
Book It!

pizza hut restaurant book it book program

Pizza Hut has been a longtime sponsor of the “Book It!” program (started in 1984), which encourages reading in American and Australian schools. Those who read books according to the goal set by the classroom teacher are rewarded with Pizza Hut coupons good for a free one-topping Personal Pan Pizza or discounted menu items. In the late 1980s, Pizza Hut threw free pizza parties for classes if all students met their reading goals. The program has been criticized by some psychologists on the grounds that it may lead to overjustification and reduce children’s intrinsic interest in reading. However, a study of the Pizza Hut program, Book It!, found that participation in the program neither increased nor decreased reading motivation. The program’s 25th anniversary was in 2009. Book It! in Australia ceased in 2002 when Pizza Hut in Australia was removing its dine-in stores as Australians opt for take away pizza instead of dine-in.

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