
Remembering is fun. Winning is better.

Now your love of nostalgia can pay. Simply go to our Memory Glands
Facebook Fan Page
and LIKE US and you’ll automatically be entered to win a
FREE T-shirt from! During the drawing, we’ll randomly select a fan and we’ll post the winner on our fan page.

You can win one of the GUTS t-shirts (color of your choice) below:

Do YOU have the GUTS to “Like” us? Visit the Memory Glands Facebook Fan Page to enter!

Winner’s will be contacted via their Facebook account on September 30th.

Three Ring Focus

Memory Glands

Memory Glands is a humor and entertainment blog in the Three Ring Blogs Network. Memory Glands posts funny photos and funny videos daily that consist of television shows, foods, drinks, toys, games, movies and other cool stuff of the past. Other members of the Three Ring Blogs Network are People of Walmart, Girls In Yoga Pants, Forever Alone, Daily Viral Stuff, Wedding Unveils, Neighbor Shame, Full of Your Selfies, Damn That Looks Good, Jaw Drops, Freaks of Fast Food, the Proud Parents and more.

Three Ring Blogs