Pinwheel is a children’s television show that aired on the Nickelodeon cable network from 1977 to 1990. The show was the original program featured on the Nickelodeon network (the channel itself was known as “Pinwheel” from 1977 until 1979).
There were a total of 260 one-hour Pinwheel episodes recorded. However, Pinwheel was typically broadcast in 3 to 5 hour long blocks with multiple one-hour episodes shown back-to-back. It remains the longest-running Nickelodeon show in episodes and hours on air, and was the longest-running in years until You Can’t Do That on Television broke the record. It is now #5, behind All That, You Can’t Do That on Television, Nick News, and Rugrats, with SpongeBob SquarePants set to surpass it in 2012.
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